Nepal Travel Guide

Nepal Travel section provides information to help travelers when traveling to our through Nepal. Below is a table that provides broad information about Nepal travel and travel activities in Nepal as well as Nepal Information in detail.  Please click on links given below to find detail information of each topic.

Travel to Nepal

Trivhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu is the only international airport in Nepal. There are direct flights to Kathmandu from Amsterdam, London, Vienna., Moscow, Munich, Vienna, Abu Dhabi, Dha, Dubai, Karachi, Islambad, New Delhi, Mumbai, Patna, Varanasi, Kolkata, Paro, Dhaka, Lhasa, Bankok, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Osaka. Charter flights can also be arranged for large movements. All flights feature business class and amenities of international standards. Many a time, the Captain offers a guided sight-seeing of the Himalayas for no extra charge.

Traveling by Road

Besides the Tribhuvan International Airport in kathmandu, there are five official entry points to Nepal: Biratnagar, Birgunj, Kodari (on the Chinese border), Bhairahawa ( near Sunauli), and Kakarbhitta which connects Nepal with Darjeeling, Sikkim and Siliguri, Birgunj in the most popular entry point for visitors. Entry into Lhasa through Kodari is possible for visitors who possess a special visa for Tibet from the Chinese Embassy.

In Nepal motor vehicles are driven on the left side of the road. All driven should possess a license.

Travel Safety in Nepal

Politically Nepal is more stable than the last many years and it is absolutely risk free for travelers. After the earthquake in 2015 that devastated most part of Nepal and severely damaged Kathmandu is slowly recovering. Tourists are returning back. Every rupees you spend here will be helping Nepal get back to its feet.

Below is a table that provides broad information about Nepal travel and travel activities in Nepal as well as Nepal Information in detail. Please click on links given below to find detail information of each topic.

Nepal Travel and Tourism

Travel Activities in Nepal

 Nepal Information

A Brief description about Nepal travel and how to travel Nepal

Business was booming until 1999. After that, the incessant conflict scared off tourists from traveling Nepal and we felt the pinch of the fall in tourist arrivals. There was a time when we recorded such a huge flow of tourists that we used to turn back some. As a professional tour leader we did not have sufficient staff and equipment to handle all of them. But now, situation is just opposite. It is very hard to get clients. Nepal tourism industry that suffered due to such a senseless violence. We are optimistic that the golden days of the tourism sector as a whole, is approaching. The peace has restored, the number of visitors would surge by at least 40 percent by next year’s season. Due to political upheaval, many people across the world know about Nepal. Now the message of peace is spread, tourists travel to Nepal in rising up. Nepal has comparative advantage in tourism because of the diversified culture, climate, and ethical groups. On top of that, other countries having mountains do not have highly qualified professionals to handle adventure tourism as we have. So, adventurers prefer to visit Nepal.

Nepal travel has become a slogan, which especially focus on non-Nepalese citizens to visit Nepal. With an aim in increasing tourist in Nepal it had celebrated visit Nepal 1998. Nepal is unique country in the world context with multiple cultural heritages. In spite of small size it has about 60 ethnic groups 70 languages and 5 religions. Reaches activities are not a new work carried out by foreign scholar but it has been going on since 1950.

Nepal is not only multiple in context to cultural heritages but also more diverse in vegetation, animal and its own land pattern. It has mainly three types of land patterns, which are Terai (plain), hills and Mountain. Nepal’s geographical land feature hence ranges from below 60m to 8848 m from sea level. Nepal is economically poor which every body know but it has become an attractive place for many foreigner. It has many historical places, which are archeologically valuable, and an important source of income and study. These places are centralized in Kathmandu valley and beyond it. Traveling to Nepal in not much expensive hence an ordinary foreigner can easily travel to Nepal and can collect many information, experience about in short period of time. Travel Nepal is very popular slogan now days because it encourages foreigners to travel Nepal. To travel Nepal is to keep relationship with natural beauty and Nepalese heritages, as Nepal is rich in natural beauty. Many foreigners are visiting Nepal since 1950 A. D (after open door policy by government of Nepal.) being tempted with Nepalese tradition, culture and diversity in all aspects. To visit Nepal has to be taken a part of gaining knowledge about Nepal. Nepal has big, small cities, rural and very remote areas in mountain region where many foreigners visit to get information about Nepal. There is non-stop in visitors in Nepal. Many visitors travel Nepal and become happy and transfer their experiences to other encouraging others to travel. Nepal is small in size that is it has area of 147181 sq km. East- West length – 1034 km, North –South length 350 km. For such a small area one can visit whole Nepal in short period of time with less expense. A lot of tourist visit Nepal to scale an unconquered peak, others to undertake scientific research in the high mountains, some come to complete an energetic trek or high-adrenaline rafting trip, others to enjoy the peace and cultural richness of Nepal’s lower slopes and valleys. There are many positive impacts to travel Nepal, which has been already stated. To inspire foreigners to travel Nepal government has given security for them.

However, despite of all things it is wonderful experience to find yourself in Nepal. Word of mouth has always been Nepal’s biggest source of publicity. And surveys after surveys are reconfirming that once visitors are in Nepal, they always have good experience and fond memories to take back home. Travel to and within Nepal is still safe and enjoyable experience. Just you need to ensure few of things – you are doing right.

The friendliness and hospitality of the people of Nepal, where guests are treated as Gods; the variety of exciting adventure activities including trekking, mountaineering, rafting and jungle safari combined with culture that epitomizes peace and harmony; art and craft; songs and dances make a visit to Nepal a memorable experience.

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+977 (9851007195/01–4386807)

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Thamel, Kathmandu