Dhaulagiri is the world’s 7th highest mountain (8167/26,795 ft). Trekking around Dhaulagiri (6th highest Himalayan peak of the world) is one of the most challenging remote trek. Trekking off the main paths is not only possible, but can be immensely rewarding, though you do need a sense of adventure and an increased ability to deal with unexpected. Geographically, Dhaulagiri region is a land of dramatic contrast. This is a trek into the wild which shows the world’s deepest river gorge, unparalleled scenery, as you might expect in such remote country, some very interesting indigenous people. The vast massif screens the hidden land of Dolpo to its north west. Following the rivers upstream, ferns and forests of oak and other deciduous trees and juniper are interesting. Mountain sides of rhododendron blaze with color in the spring, and other flowers are abundant on the trail. Even on High Mountain passes above the tree line, tiny alpine flowers can be found dotting the windswept ground. This is an adventure that walks the fine line between trekking and mountaineering and is ideal for those that thrive on rugged and remote trails that see only a handful of trekkers each season.