More than a Guide !
How did we find Binod/ HikeNepal? Frankly speaking I couldn’t even remember. I might have stumbled upon the site when using my fav search engine Google. But what strike me the most was the detail-explicit-friendly reply I got from Binod on my inquiry about trekking in Nepal. There was something in the way he expressed himself that makes me feel comfortable to engage him for our trip to Nepal. Little did we realize, the 9-day trip has changed our relationship from you-are-our-guide to hey-there-friend.

How’d we describe Binod ?

– Our liaison between us and the Thai Airway personnel, when we were frantic (guess that’s a too strong a word to use) about our lost luggage.
– Our ‘butler’, ordering hot drinks, even dinner for us while we freshen ourselves after the 5-hour trek. (in fact we felt kinda embarrassed cos we don’t see other trekkers getting as much attention like we had)

– Our part-time MO attending to my blistered toes, and complaints on blocked ears, stuffy nose & sor e muscles.

– Our almost-entertainer with his card tricks (but, we missed his melodious flute playing, as experienced by the others)
He even bought us some souvenirs (which definitely not part of the package deal! Oops, I hope your potential clients wont be expecting any souvenirs from you, Binod.)

Looking back, we’d say Binod was more than a guide to us. He is our friend. And as friends, we are happy to recommend others to experience the wonderful treks in Nepal with a wonderful guide like Binod. (in fact we already had done so to our friends in Malaysia!)

ps: I didn’t read the testimonials from his guests-of-the-month column prior to engaging him. I only did that when i returned home. And I’d say, “hey, he was not doing all these nice things just for us!” But that is definitely good news for those considering engaging Binod! So, are you still deciding? ps2: btw, he is not paying us to say all these!

Jafri and Ruzi,